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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8-9 классах “TRIP TO ENGLISH LAND”

Автор: Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Опубликовано: 2017-02-16 22:26:52

Документы для скачивания

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Путешествие в страну английского языка» “TRIP TO ENGLISH LAND”( 8- 9 классы) Форма проведения: игра- соревнование. Цели: 1. Развивать устную речь учащихся. 2. Развивать креативные способности учащихся. 3. Воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета. 4. Обобщить страноведческие знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка. Задачи: Закрепить знания учащихся по темам( « Англоговорящие страны », « Путешествие », « Праздники », « Животные », « Еда » и др. ) . Развивать положительные личностные качества, тренировать внимание, память, мышление. Воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка. Оформление: На доске флаги англоязычных стран, карта, квадрат с цифрами. Ход мероприятия. I. Организационный момент. Teacher:   Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. Now we shall organize a competition called “Trip to English Land”. Two teams will take part in a game. It is time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the first team? Student of the 8th form:   I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is …. Our motto is …. . Teacher:   Who is the captain of the second team? Student of the 9th form:   I am the captain of the team. The name of our team is …. Our   motto   is   ……. . ( Состав команд, их названия и девиз определяются заранее. ) Teacher:   Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English. Now I have invited a jury to count the points. The members of our jury are … I am going to introduce you how to play this game. The game has 8 contests, they are: 1. Travel Word Search 2. A magic 6 3. English- speaking countries 4.   Guess the tune 5. Acrostic 6. Celebrations 7. Rich English 8. Riddles I hope you’ll enjoy our English trip and be friendly to each other. I wish you a good luck! Let’s start. II.   Основной   этап. Teacher: So, as our competition is called “ Trip to English land ”, so let ’ s check how well you know the topic “ Travelling ”. The first contest of the game is called   “ Travel Word Search ”. Take the sheets of paper and find as many words as possible. 1 word – 1 point. Maximum you can get 20 points.   E M P T X T L Y E R S V L D P T L M D L H S C C G O U I B E C R Y O O G A N G R A C U H S S V A R A I V E N U U U T D F X T I I Y L D R E C E I G A U C S I P N F R R I T R W S N O Q I U N A B Q U T N L I S E A B A T B A S K C U E N O O C E L L R Y P T S Q R Y J D U I H K A G R L Q I E F Q W T S T O T B E S I W Y O N U T R A P E D C A E T V U D N G F I S L A N D H T C A E A I P E B Q G Q N T T C Q G A C B A W R X B K Q B Q N W Z H V V H O B S U ARRIVE BEACH BOAT BUS CITY COUNTRY CRUISE CURRENCY DEPART DESTINATION FLIGHT HOLIDAY ISLAND LANGUAGE OVERSEAS PASSENGER PLANE TICKET TRAIN VACATION Teacher: And now we come to the second contest which is called “A magic 6”. Look at the square. Each team will take turns in answering questions. You will choose any number. “…”, it is your turn to start. If you can ’ t name, then the opposing team gets the right to answer. One answer – one point. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name 6 cartoon characters Name 6 English writers Name 6 sort of fruit Name 6 sort of vegetables Name 6 animals Name 6 sports Name 6 English songs Name 6 English- speaking countries Name 6 professions Name 6 colours Name 6 English names Name 6 London sights 3. Teacher: The third contest is called “ English- speaking countries ”. Put the letters in the correct order and guess the names of English- speaking countries. One answer – one point. 1. eht aus –   THE USA 2. danaac – CANADA 3. gdalenn – ENGLAND 4. airtulasa – AUSTRALIA 5. alswe – WALES 6. trnohren lidrena – NORTHERN IRELAND 7. atcsdlon  - SCOTLAND 8. ewn daznlea – NEW ZEALAND 4. Teacher: The next contest is for listening comprehension and it is called “ Guess the tune ”. You’ll listen to the extracts from the most popular songs in English. If you name the title of the song, you’ll get one point. If you name the title of the song and the singer, you’ll get two point s. The Beatles – Yesterday Queen – Show must go on ABBA – Happy New Year Celine Dion – My heart will go on Michael Jackson – Billie Jean Whitney Houston – I will always love you Rihanna – Umbrella Bon Jovi – It ’ s my life Sia – Chandelier Hurts- Stay 5. Teacher: The next contest is called “Acrostic”. It is a poem in which the first letters of each line make up a word. Try to create your own one. Your word is ENGLISH. 6. Teacher: Thank you. You are very creative. I think that you enjoy holidays like other people do and our next contest is called “Celebrations”. Match the definitions with the pictures. Write the correspondent number in the box and write the name of the holiday. 1.   2.    3.      4.      5.      6.     7.   8.     9.   a) It is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the ressurection of Christ.     b) It' s time to tell someone that you love him/ her.   c) It' s time for people to think about their mothers. They usually buy them flowers or offer them chocolates.   d) The celebration of this day begins the night before and it is the time to celebrate the beginning of a new year. People drink champagne and go to parties.   e) This celebration began in the 17th century after a bountiful harvest. Every year family members join together and eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie.   f) Each year children dress up as ghosts and monsters and go" trick or treat" . They expect adults to give them sweets.   g) This is the celebration of the birth of Christ. Children and adults decorate pine trees and their homes with holy.   h) It is also called" Bonfire Night" to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot.   i) It' s time for people to think about their fathers. They usually buy them presents on this day.   7. Teacher: Everybody knows that the English language has a lot of words. So the next contest is called “Rich English”. We’ll check how many English words you can quickly remember. The first player in the team says any English word, the next one should say a word which starts with the last letter of the previous word. Each person has 3 seconds for thinking. The person who can’t say the word brings 1 point to the opposing team. 8. Teacher: And our last contest is called “Riddles”. Every riddle which you guess costs 1 point. I have 28 days in a month. Which month I am? ALL MONTHS What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? A CLOCK Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? 5 CHILDREN What is without hand and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door. WIND What is white and falls on the top of the roof? SNOW It flows, but cannot run out. RIVER It is white and cold. You can skate on it. What is it? ICE A blue sheet which covers the whole world. SKY I am a home for queens and kings. There are many of me in England. I am made of stone. I am protected by a ring of water. I' m found in many legends. CASTLE I am multi- coloured. I appear after a storm. People always point at me. Everyone takes my picture. Legend says there is gold at the bottom of me. RAINBOW III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов игры. Teacher:   Our competition has come to its end. Our jury will tell the score of the game. Jury:   The score is … to … in smb’s favour. The   team   “…”   is the   winner.

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