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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 10 классе “THE STAR HOUR” 2016-2017

Автор: Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Опубликовано: 2017-02-16 22:28:06

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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия “ THE STAR HOUR ”( 10 класс) Цели:  расширение объёма знаний по английскому языку; расширение лексического запаса, тренировка умений и навыков; внедрение новых технических сре дств в п едагогической практике; продолжение развития дружеских отношений в классе. Teacher: Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are having a competition «The Star Hour». The 10 th formers are divided into 3 groups. Now the participants will introduce themselves. Please, you are welcome. Представление команд. And we will start with the 1 st r ound, at the end of which only 1 team will continue the game. You should answer questions as quickly as possible. The first team which gives the right answer gets a point. QUIZ “Do you know Great Britain? ” Who- questions Who is the main Christmas character? ( Santa Claus) Who lived at 221b Baker Street? What’s his name? ( Sherlock Holmes) Who was called “the architect of London” after the Great Fire of 1666? ( Sir Christopher Wren) Who lived in Sherwood Forest and fought against the sheriff of Nottingham? ( Robin Hood) Whose statue is on the top of the column? ( Admiral Nelson) SURPRISE Who is considered to be “the queen of detective stories”? ( Agatha Christie) Who is the patron saint of Scotland? ( St Andrew) Who is the head of Great Britain? ( The Queen) 7) Who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”? ( W. Shakespeare) 8) Who in the royal family died in the car crash in 1997? ( Princess Diana) 9) Who invented the telephone? ( Alexander Bell) When- questions SURPRISE When did the Olympic games take place in London? ( 2012) When is St Valentine’s Day celebrated? ( 14 th of February) When did the Great Fire break out in London? ( 1666) When is Halloween celebrated? ( 31 st of October) When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain? ( 25 th of December) When is April Fool’s Day celebrated? ( 1 st of April) When is the ceremony of the keys held? ( At 10 pm) When was the London Eye opened to the public? ( 2000) When was the Channel Tunnel opened? ( 1993) When was the University of Cambridge founded? ( 1209) When do English people usually drink tea? ( At 5 o’clock) What- questions What is the oldest part of London? ( The City) What is Humpty Dumpty? ( An egg) What is another name for the British flag? ( The Union Jack) What was the name of the ship that first brought Europeans to North America? ( Mayflower) What is a “public school” in England? ( A private school) What city is the capital city of Northern Ireland? ( Belfast) What is the name of the London underground? ( The Tube) SURPRISE What is the highest mountain peak in Great Britain? ( Ben Nevis) What is the British money today? ( Pounds) What city is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh) What is the full name of Great Britain? ( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Where- questions SURPRISE Where does British Parliament seat in London? ( The Houses of Parliament) Where were the Beatles formed? ( Liverpool) Where can you hear a bagpipe? ( Scotland) 2) Where was W. Shakespeare born? ( Stratford- upon- Avon) 3) Where is the Queen’s residence? ( Buckingham Palace) 4) Where is Stonehenge situated? ( England) 5) Where is Loch Ness situated? ( Scotland) 6) Where can you see many famous paintings? ( The National Gallery) 7) Where is Cardiff situated? ( Wales) 8) Where was the Titanic built? ( Belfast) 9) Where can you find a Peter Pan statue? ( Kensington Gardens) “STAR PRESENTER” Teacher: The second round is for your creativity. Each member of the team chooses one of the pictures. There you’ll see a famous English landmark. The task of each member is to prepare a short presentation of the sight as if you were a guide. The information behind the pictures will help you. The best presenter of the team will bring his/ her team a victory. Ответы команд. Подведение итогов.

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