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Writing an essay: Professional mobility: is it a demand or a suggestion to be successful in your profession?

Автор: Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Опубликовано: 2016-10-24 20:56:56

Before analysing the role of “professional mobility” in our life it should be pointed out what the word “mobility” means. If we take the definition of this word, then we’ll receive something as follows: “Mobility is the ability to move in one’s environment with ease and without restriction”. Thereby, it appears from the above that “professional mobility” requires flexibility and readiness to work according to special standards. It follows that in order to be successful in your profession you should treat “professional mobility” as a demand. Let’s view the reasons which lead to the treatment of “professional mobility” as a demand on the example of a teacher’s profession.

Firstly, the change of a social order has affected the profession of a teacher. Labour-market relations have changed greatly. Society needs good specialists. Globalization of the world and quick technological changes make teachers be in step with modern life. They have just to be aware of every social change and to be ready to succeed no matter what.

Secondly, professional mobility of a teacher should become a demand because of a person’s willingness to perfection and improvement. Of course, life-long education and aspiration to become polymathic and versatile can help in achieving professional mobility. Besides, strength of purpose, resolution and diligence will contribute greatly to the list of traits needed for becoming professionally mobile. Moreover, a teacher has to have a healthy relationship with failure. If something doesn’t work, you should try it again and again in order to succeed.  

Thirdly, being professionally mobile depends on the social needs of a person. Either dreaming of getting a prestigious job or desire to be well-paid implies becoming “the best of the best” in your profession. It needs becoming professionally mobile, therefore.

Thus, it should be born in mind that in order to be successful in your profession you have to treat “professional mobility” as a demand. And even not only to treat, but to score it as well. Life is in full swing and you have to assert yourself in order to prove your uniqueness. Focus on your goal and fortune will smile upon you. 


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