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Открытый урок наставника и молодого педагога по английскому языку в 8 классе на тему: "Удивительный мир музыки" 2014-2015

Автор: Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Опубликовано: 2015-08-12 09:22:45

Документы для скачивания

План- конспект открытого урока наставника и молодого педагога по английскому языку Учителя: Мусрединова Диляра Муннеровна/ Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Класс: 8 Тема урока: This exciting world of music Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений Цели: обучающие: — освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности лексические единицы по теме «Музыка»; — научиться вести разговор о музыке и музыкальных стилях; развивающие: — развивать коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия( УУД) во всех видах речевой деятельности, в том числе умения общения и взаимодействия в парах/ группах, умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение; — развивать познавательные УУД; — развивать регулятивные УУД( целеполагания, планирования, самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки и т. д. ) — развивать умения аудирования и поискового чтения; — развивать умения монологической и диалогической речи; воспитательные: — мотивировать к изучению иностранного языка; — формировать стремление к осознанию культурных ценностей, воспитывать толерантность. Материально- техническое оснащение: ноутбук, мультимедийная доска, презентация, аудиозаписи, раздаточный материал. Ход урока: I. ОРГМОМЕНТ( 5 мин. ) Введение в тему урока, создание проблемной ситуаци и. Определение целей урока. 1) Warm ing- up activities- Good afternoon, dear friends! Glad to see you! At our lesson today we are going to speak about music, because people can' t live without music. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, in the parks, in the cars, at the disco es, on TV, over the radio. So, music helps us to live. Famous people know much about music and these quotations are for you. Read them.   “If music be the food of love, play on. ” William Shakespeare “Music is the universal language of the world. ” H. Longfellow- It is impossible to argue with great people. But I want you to exp ress your own opinions. What is music for you? 2) Музыкальные новости- And now let us listen to the latest music news you’ve prepared. II. ОСНОВНАЯ ЧАСТЬ Проектная работа “ Styles of music ”( 15 мин. ) You know that there are a lot of styles of music or genres. And each one has its own origin and peculiarities. As you remember, your hometask was to prepare projects about different styles of music. So, please, you are welcome. Rock music Pop music Hip- hop( rap) Heavy metal Electronic music Jazz Ethnic music( folk) Classical music Plan: This genre of music originated in… In the past… Nowadays… It includes such subgenres as… It is extremely popular in the following countries: … Characteristic features of this style of music are… The most famous representatives of … music are … As for me, I like/ dislike/ enjoy/ adore … 2) Опрос “Styles of music”( 5 мин. ) - As far as you remember, w e divided you into 2 groups. And you were to intervi e w 10 children from our school and ask them one question: “ What is your favourite s tyle of music? ”. I hope that you a nalyze d the results of y our interviews. Now the leader of each group will present us your diagram. - And w hat music do you listen to? 3) Аудирование( групповая работа) ( 5 мин. ) -   Now, you’ll listen to different pieces of music for some seconds. You must match the tunes with the styles. 4) Аудирование. Поисковое чтение( парная работа) ( 10 мин. ) - You are going to listen to a song by Sting called “Shape of my Heart”. Everybody has the test paper. Listen to the song and do the following tasks in pairs: Fill in the gaps, Order the lines, Match. Keys: ( Fill in the gaps) He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn' t play for the money he wins He doesn' t play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance( Order the lines) I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that' s not the shape of my heart( Fill in the gaps) He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades( Match) 1. And if I told you_ _ that I loved you 2. You' d maybe think_ _ there' s something wrong 3. I' m not a man_ _ of too many faces 4. The mask_ _ I wear is one 5. Those who speak_ _ know nothing 6. And find out_ _ to their cost 7. Like those who curse_ _ their luck in too many places 8. And those_ _ who fear are lost I V. ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЧАСТЬ( 5 мин. ) Подвед ение итогов. Выставление оценок Учащимся предлагается ответить на следующие вопросы по уроку: 1. What did you like about the lesson? 2. I recommend you to listen to …, because it… There are many styles of music, for example … The universal language of the world is… Music inspires us to … As for me, music is… My favourite style of music is… We can hear music everywhere: in …

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