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Сценарии сказок на английском языке для "Театральной деятельности" 2014-2015

Автор: Юсупова Диана Мудисеровна Опубликовано: 2015-08-12 09:31:57

T urnip Narrator:   Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in the village of Redkino. Everybody knew them because the Grandfather was the most famous gardener all over the region. One day t he Grandfather decided to plant a turnip. Grandfather:   Oh, what a big turnip grew. I want to pull it out. One, two, three! ………. . It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please! Grandmother:   What’s the matter? Grandfather:  Help me, please! Grandmother:  All right, Grandfather. Together:  One, two, three! . . One, two, three! …………. . Oh, it’s too big for us! Let’s call a granddaughter. Granddaughter, Granddaughter, come here, help us, please! Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I’m coming. Together:  One, two, three! . . One, two, three! …………. . Oh, it’s too big for us! Let’s call the dog. Dog, Dog, come here, help us, please! Dog:   All right, Granddaughter. Together:   One, two, three! . . . One, two, three! …………. Oh, it’s too big for us! Cat, Cat, help us, please! Cat:   All right, Dog. I’m coming. Together:  One, two, three! . . One, two, three! ……………… Oh, it’s too big for us! Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please! Mouse:   What’s the matter? Cat:   This turnip is very big for us, we can’t pull it out! Mouse:  OK. Together:  One, two, three! . . One, two, three! Turnip:  Here I am! All together:  Oh! What a big turnip we have!

“THE HOUSE IN THE WOOD” Characters: Mouse Frog Hare Wolf Fox Bear Ведущая 1 Ведущая 2 Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood. A Mouse is running through the wood. It stops at the door, It knocks at the door. Mouse: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Frog: I do! Mouse: Who are you? Frog: I’m a frog. Sorry, and who are you? Mouse: I’m a mouse. Hello, Frog! Frog: Hello, Mouse! Mouse: May I come in? Frog: Do, please. Come in. Mouse: Thank you! ( входи т в дом) Ведущая 2: Here is the house in the wood. A Hare is running through the wood. It stops at the door, It knocks at the door. Hare: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Frog, Mouse: We do. Hare: Who are you? Frog: I’m a frog. Mouse: I' m a mouse. Sorry, and who are you? Hare: I’m a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in? Frog, Mouse: Do, please. Come in. Hare: Thank you! ( вход и т в дом) Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood. A Fox is running through the wood. It stops at the door, It knocks at the door. Fox: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Frog, Mouse, Hare: We do. Fox: Who are you? Frog: I’m a frog. Mouse: I' m a mouse. Hare: I’m a hare. Sorry, and who are you? Fox: I’m a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! May I live with you? All: Do, please. Come in. Fox: Thank you! ( входи т в дом) Ведущая 2: Here is the house in the wood. A Wolf is running through the wood. It stops at the door, It knocks at the door. Wolf: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Frog, Mouse, Hare, Fox: We do. Wolf: Who are you? Frog: I’m a frog. Mouse: I' m a mouse. Hare: I’m a hare. Fox: I’m a fox. Wolf: I’m a wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live with you? All: Do, please. Come in. Wolf: Thank you. ( входи т в дом) Ведущая 1: Here is the house in the wood. A Bear is running through the wood. It stops at the door, It knocks at the door. Bear: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives here? Who are you? Frog: I’m a frog. Mouse: I’m a mouse. Hare: I’m a hare. Fox: I’m a fox. Wolf: I’m a wolf. And who are you? Bear: I’m a bear. May I live with you? All: No, you are too big! Run away! Run away! ( медведь все равно пытается забраться в теремок и разрушает его, но все звери успевают выбежать) . Bear: Oh, no. I’m sorry. All: It’s OK. We’ll build the house again! Ведущая 2: And they build a house in the wood. A frog, a mouse, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear live there! They are happy! ! !

The Kolobok An author: A grandfather: A grandmother: Kolobok: A hare: A wolf: A bear: A fox: The author: Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in a village. One day the old man asked the woman to make a bun. The grandfather: I’m so hungry! Make me a bun, please The author: The old woman mixed some flour with sour cream and shaped it into a kolobok, a kind of a little round bun. Then she fried it and left it on the windowsill to cool. The grandmother: O K. Well done. I’ll give you a name – Kolobok. The author: After some time the bun was bored to lie on the windowsill. So the bun decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around. Suddenly the bun saw a hare. A hare:  Ah, Kolobok, K olobok I’ll EAT you now. Kolobok: Don’t eat me hare. I”ll sing you a song. I’m K olobok, I’m K olobok! Made from flour round ball, Made from sour cream and milk, I’m shiny like some silk I’m running from grandma, I’m running from grandpa. To the forest far away Catch adventure day by day. And from you, a little hare, I will easy run away. The author: The hare even didn’t notice when Kolobok disappear ed. The bun rolled down the road until it met a wolf. The wolf: Hi! Tasty bun, I’m going to eat you! Kolobok: Don’t eat me Mister Wolf, I will sing you a song. I’m K olobok, I’m K olobok! Made from flour round ball, Made from sour cream and milk, I’m shiny like some silk I’m running from grandma, I’m running from grandpa. To the forest far away Catch adventure day by day. And from you, an angry wolf, I will easy run away. The author: The wolf looked around, but the bun was far away. The wolf: Ah, I didn’ t bite even a small piece of that tasty bun. Next time I’m not going to listen to any stupid songs, I will bite and eat, eat and eat. The author: But the bun happily kept running deeper to the forest. The bun was running, running and saw the big brown bear. The bear: R- R- R, hi, round bread, I’m going to eat you. Kolobok: Don’t eat me, p lease, big brown bear, I will sing you a song. The bear: Oh, so kind and romantic, dinner after song. The author: The bear sat down, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song. Kolobok: I’m K olobok, I’m K olobok! Made from flour round ball, Made from sour cream and milk, I’m shiny like some silk I’m running from grandma, I’m running from grandpa. To the forest far away Catch adventure day by day. And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away. The author: The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the bun went on his way. And the bear went to the deep forest. The bun was rolling, rolling and suddenly he saw a fox. The fox: Hello, dear, I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect! I like you so much! Where are you going? Kolobok: I’m just rolling along the road. Do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself The fox: Of course, I want to The author: The bun began to sing a song. Kolobok: I’m K olobok, I’m K olobok! Made from flour round ball, Made from sour cream and milk, I’m shiny like some silk I’m running from grandma, I’m running from grandpa. To the forest far away Catch adventure day by day. And from you, red fox, I will easy run away The fox: What a wonderful song! The author:  The fox pretended to be crying! The fox:  Poor me, I became so old, I can’t hear anymore. The bun, please sit on my nose and sing your  song again. The author: The bun jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song. Kolobok: I’m K olobok, I’m K olobok! The author: But the red fox ate him. Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory! ! !

Gingerbread Girl Роли: Grandmother Grandfather Gingerbread girl Hedgehog H ar e Wolf Bear Butterfl y Fox Сцена №1   На сцене домик, стульчик для дедушки с книжкой на нём. В домике на столе посуда для бабушки. Дедушка садится на стул с книжкой в руках, бабушка начинает «готовить» еду. Grandfather: «Hello, I am grandpa. I am clever. »( открывает книгу и «читает») Grandmother: «Hello, I am grandma. I am kind. »( «готовит» еду) Grandfa ther: «Hei, grandma, I am hungry! »( гладит живот рукой) . Grandmother: «I am coo king the pie, wait a minute. » Из- за кулис выходит Gingerbread girl Ging erbread girl: «Hello, grandma! »( обнимает бабушку) Grandmother: «Hello, Gingerbread girl! » Ging erbread girl: «Hello, grandpa! »( обнимает дедушку) Grandfather: «Hello, Gingerbread girl! » Ging erbread girl: «May I go to the forest? Grandfather : «Yes, you may! » Grandmother: «Be careful! » Ging erbread girl: «Bye- bye, see you! » Сцена №2 Ging erbread girl: «I am Gingerbread girl A little one, I like to play, I like to run. H ar e: «Good morning, how do you do! I am h are, who are you? » Ging erbread girl: « I am gingerbread girl. What do you have? » H ar e: « I have two carrots. » Ging erbread girl: «Give me one carrot, please! » H ar e: « Take it, please! » Ging erbread girl: «Thank you, let ’ s be friends! » Песня “Little Peter Rabbit” Сцена №3 Hedgehog: «Good morning, good morning Good morning to you. Good morning good morning I am fine, how are you? » Ging erbread girl: « I am fine, thank you! Give me one apple, please! » Hedgehog: «Take it, please! » Ging erbread girl: «Thank you, let ’ s be friends! » Сцена №4   На полянку выбегает волк Wolf : «Hello, hello! I am the wolf. I am bad. Gingerbread gir l: «Hello, M r. Wolf. How are you? Wolf : I am not fine, I am hungry! ( пряничная девочка достаёт из корзинки одно яблоко и отдаёт его волку) Ging erbread girl: «Take one apple! » Wolf : «Oh, than k you. You are a good girl. Let ’ s be friends! » Ging erbread girl: «O’key, let ’ s play! » Песня «Who ’ s afraid of the big bad wolf? » Сцена №5 Bear: «I am bear, I am not sad, I am very funny. Very, very, very much I like to eat honey! » Ging erbread girl: «Give me some honey, please! » Bear: «Take it, please! » Butterfly: «Sleep my baby, do not cry» I shall sing a lullaby! » Put your nose into your pillow! » Shut your eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep! »   Песня “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” Сцена №6 Fox: « M- m- m, it smell s so tasty! »( нюхает корзинку) Ging erbread girl: «Hello, Fox! » Fox: «I am the fox a little one, But today I am not fine » Ging erbread girl: «Why? » Fox: «I have a birthday today, Sing me a song! ! ! » Песенка «Happy birthday to you» Пряничная девочка поёт лисе песенку, а лиса в это время забирает корзинку и убегает за кулисы. Допев песенку, пряничная девочка видит, что её корзинка пропала, садится на пенёк и плачет. Ging erbread girl: «Help me, please! »( обращается к друзьям- зверям) Hedgehog: «I am busy. » Har e: «I am busy. » Wolf: «I am busy. » Bear: «I am busy. » Под музыку вылетает бабочка. Butterfly: « I am brave and bright I am ready for the fight, I am not afraid of fox, Who likes to eat the hens and cocks! » Бабочка улетает за кулисы, «ловит» лису и приводи т её на полянку. Лиса извиняется и просит прощенья. Fox: «I am sorry, I am sorry. Let ’ s be the friends, let ’ s play! ! ! » Общая песня Discover who lives in the forest In the heart of a deep, green forest,   In the holes and in the trees I can easily tell you this. Refrain:   Foxes and bears, Squirrels and hares, Wolves, snakes, and birds. Moles and deer, Hedgehogs and beavers, Butterflies and frogs. Discover who lives in the forest In the heart of a deep, green forest,   On the ground and in the air, Animals everywhere. They run very fast   And hide in the grass, Walk, jump and crawl. They swim in the river And fly with no fear Let’s name them all: Refrain.

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